Tuesday, October 12, 2010

putting Communicycle on the map!

Communicycle officially exists now, at least in the eyes of Google Maps. Try it. Go to Google and search for "communicycle" and click on "maps." there we are under several categories with a phone number and shop hours. Now anyone in the world can locate us on one of the most widely used internet maps in the world.

In other news, open shop night went great tonight. A lot of kids came in and built some new bikes, worked on their old bikes, and had some laughs. At one point, a boy will call Sprocket was asked how to loosen a particular bolt, to which he absent-mindedly responded "lefty-loosey, tighty-whitey." We all had a good laugh and Sprocket might have just earned a new nickname.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Word Getting Out

As if an urban Atlanta ride with Communicycle volunteers Josh, Ai-Ping, and Jonathan was not awesome enough, I had an interaction with a community member on the ride home that made my day.

I stopped into the local health food store (read: convenience store) for some protein supplements and electrolytes (read: candy bars and soda). I did not want to haul a heavy u-lock around on today's ride, so I waltzed into the store with my bike perched up on my shoulder.

"You can leave that up by the ATM over there; I'll watch it for you," a cheery, burly counter worker called across the store. Thankful not to have to haul my ride as I made my selections, I placed my ride down at the front of the store.

As the man totaled my purchases, he asked me where I bought my bike. I told him that I started with the frame and built it up part by part.

His response: "Oh cool! Hey, have you heard of the place over there on Chamblee Tucker? They fix bikes. Help people out. Have you heard of them?"

A little red in the face, I told the worker that I had started the Communicycle Co-op.

"Communicycle! Yeah, that's it. You started that?"

How about that? Someone in the community who did not know me at all had heard of our shop, and was spreading the word. That is a beautiful thing.

Dear convenience store worker,
In case you are reading this, please know that you are welcome to come by the shop anytime to build yourself a bike. And as you mentioned, we would love to have you join us in volunteering at the shop. Thanks for connecting with me today!

And to anyone else reading, you are all welcome at the shop as well, both as participants and as volunteers.